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작성자 사진Saeuk Oh

Piece'd, Block'd (2019)

최종 수정일: 2023년 12월 16일

31.05~02.06.2019 [Patchworktage] / Dinkelsbühl.DE

25.~28.07.2019 [Quilt Festival in Korea] / COEX, Seoul.KR

17~20.10.2019 [Abilmente] / Fiera di Vicenza, Vicenza.IT

16~19.09.2021 [Carrefour Européen du Patchwork ] / Val'Dargent,FR

15 quilts from South Korea, 15 quilts from Germany

Collaborated with Barbara Lange


<Piece'd, Block'd> is co-organized by the Corea Quilt Associates and German Patchwork Guild, covers division and barriers. The boundary, artificially build by the interests of the great powers in the Cold War era that had already flowed into history, has cut off centuries-old trends, divided the lives of countless people, and remains an old-fashioned logic that cannot be solved even in today's society, where world paradigm is being shifted with a network that is faster than light, causing tragedy and feuds and misunderstandings.

In Korea, peace and unification have been current keywords since the Singapore summit between North Korea and the United States, but nobody can predict when any political agenda will break down. The atmosphere that can be cooled rapidly with a small misunderstanding or one or two people's whims is more disturbing than the inertia caused by the long division.

Germany's Berlin Wall, which was also a symbol of the Cold War, collapsed in 1989, marking its 30th anniversary next year. However, another conflict and discrimination after reunification still remain a challenge for Germany.

This exhibition was discussed during the interaction of the two non-profit organizations. The commonalities and timely themes of the two countries were at the beginning, and the purpose of the plan was to shed light on the sentiments of ordinary individuals, especially women, about political events that were historically important issues.

The ‘piece’ in the title means the technique of connecting the scraps in quilts, and the pronunciation is same as peace, and the block also means a basic pattern in quilts, but also a division and barrier.

German textile artists decided to exhibit 15 works of 90×90cm work to symbolize a unified Germany in 1990, and 15 works that are not limited in size to express the atmosphere that Korea may not yet be able to see in the near future.


in Dinkelsbühl


in Seoul

I designed the sign board for the exhibition, so that the letters could be hard to read behind the wire barrier. Another idea was to get peace messages from the audience in various languages, to build a "peace wall" reminding of DMZ.


in Vicenza

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